Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Like KFC except without the secret spices

This week one of my clients came up with a new name for me. And no, it’s not bad. #shocker

I’ve been working with several clients on personal finance issues, from loan modifications, to credit card restructuring, to developing savings plans.

The name was Personal Finance Coach.

I kind of like that, it’s certainly different than being a soccer coach for one of my kids teams, which I don’t do nor do I want to do.

This Personal Finance Coach (“PFC”) resonates with me.

Unlike financial planners I don’t sell products nor do I profess that I am a certified financial planner.

What I do is take a look at real life circumstances and apply sound logic. My goal is to get my clients to develop their strategies on their own, thereby making them accountable and feel like the plan they come up with is theirs and not an edict from above.

I’ve taken my skills from the corporate world and applied them to individuals.

For me being a PFC is take my client’s overall picture and apply tax savings strategies, savings ideas and credit card debt reduction techniques. And right now in this stressful economic period to work with people who are having a difficult time trying to decide what to do with their home.

I enjoy being there for my clients. It feels like people more than ever need someone with not just a financial background, but someone who can empathize as well. Someone who understands how deeply emotional personal finance truly is.

If you aren’t satisfied with your current accounting firm, please don’t hesitate to check out our website or if you live local to Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley, call our office at 760-969-6499.

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